Saturday, November 28, 2015
An AUTISM Mini-Moment #3 by, S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom: "When Holiday Wishes Come True"
(Strong Mother's Altering Autism's Reality Together)
This was a Mini-Moment I just had to share with all of you! Dustin (autistic) may be 19 yrs old , but he has the mind of a 5 year old. This year he seemed really fixated on seeing "Falling Snow." But how do I find that in Florida? Well Thanks to some Wonderful People, who may not realize what they have actually done for my son especially...I was able to bring Dustin Snow and so much more! I hope you enjoy this short video and share it too :)
Big Hugs to Mr. & Mrs. Claus, The Leesburg Partnerships, and THE WQBQ 1410 AM Radio for a Christmas Stroll in Leesburg and for making Our Dreams Come True !
Big Hugs & Happy Holidays to Each and Everyone of YOU!!!
Love , S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom
( Click On the Photo to Watch the Video)
Friday, November 27, 2015
I know to all of you up north or to those who see it all the time are probably tired of the snow. But for special kids , like my Dustin, and to many kids who don't get to see and feel snow here in Florida; well it would mean so very much to them to get to experience snow. A simple wish for some, but Oh what a Priceless memory it would leave in our hearts smile emoticon#AutismMomLooking4FloridaSnow
I know to all of you up north or to those who see it all the time are probably tired of the snow. But for special kids , like my Dustin, and to many kids who don't get to see and feel snow here in Florida; well it would mean so very much to them to get to experience snow. A simple wish for some, but Oh what a Priceless memory it would leave in our hearts smile emoticon#AutismMomLooking4FloridaSnow
Monday, November 23, 2015
Absolutely Amazing! Yep , In the News AGAIN & Over 13,000 Views!
| ||
u local Community |
Thursday, November 19, 2015
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom , Dustin , AND Autism Welcomed in the News Again ?!
In the Nov. 18, 2015 edition of the Clermont "The News Leader"
For those of you with eyes like mine (LOL) I've zoomed in and circled the mentioning of us :)
Really would like to Thank Kandi Alexander of We Speak for Them Support Group for inviting us to be a part of this . Big Hugs to all of the other Moms that were there to join us as well to voice their concerns and stories: Tanya Hileman, Lori Garrett Silloway, Linda Mitchell, Ellen Clark, Rosemarie Dowell, and Elizabeth Steele . You all are TRULY AMAZING and I'm so Proud to know each of you :)
I would especially like to Thank the Lake County officers that attended and for listening to all of us as well as asking all of those questions. It was nice to be able to reply .
Some great questions were asked too! Like I said before..
"Hat's Off to our Officers ! You have one heck of a job!"
Thank You again for acknowledging our families and for making this meeting possible.
Big HUGS from S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom!
P.S. I did share some pictures from this day below. Hope you enjoy them!
Friday, November 13, 2015
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's son Dustin (autistic) may not have snow in Florida ,but it doesn't stop him from"Pretending" there is snow :)
So I'm at Walmart with my Dustin and Lindsay Dyess . Dustin is walking through the store repetitiously saying Happy Holidays Mommyann .... Winter. Mommyann.... Snow. Then again Happy Holidays..... All of a sudden he stops and turns back... I turned to see what caught his eye...... This is what I saw (lol) Never a dull moment with Autism
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom and Dustin in the Local News Section !
Wesh local news
Friday, November 6, 2015
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom Shares her Wonderful Opportunity to "MEET" Temple Grandin!
November 05, 2015.
What a wonderful,wonderful time I had tonight listening to and even better getting to talk and meet Temple Grandin !!! Can't wait to read her book, "Animals In Translation" and I so loved that she autographed it wink emoticon FYI: Before I left her, I gave her my DVD of "Walk In My Shoes" Video. I wrote on the cover as well as told her while I handed it to her that ..." She has given so much to moms like me, that I wanted to Give Her something in return. In addition, I Thanked her for inspiring me especially , so that I could be the Strong and unconditionally Loving Mom my son, Dustin so deserves wink emoticon I hope Temple watches the video and Smiles, but even if she doesn't..... It made it an early birthday present for me just giving it to her, and her accepting the DVD. So anyway... Here are those pics I'm sure all of you will love to see. I'm even posting the book she signed to me wink emoticon P.S. They said sit anywhere and I was, one hour early. So I sat front row right in front of where she was speaking ..... So Awesome !!!!
I sure wish I were able to give Temple a Big Hug
frown emoticon You all know I'm Big on BIG HUGS (LOL)
Can't Wait to Read her book!>>>>>>
What a wonderful,wonderful time I had tonight listening to and even better getting to talk and meet Temple Grandin !!! Can't wait to read her book, "Animals In Translation" and I so loved that she autographed it wink emoticon FYI: Before I left her, I gave her my DVD of "Walk In My Shoes" Video. I wrote on the cover as well as told her while I handed it to her that ..." She has given so much to moms like me, that I wanted to Give Her something in return. In addition, I Thanked her for inspiring me especially , so that I could be the Strong and unconditionally Loving Mom my son, Dustin so deserves wink emoticon I hope Temple watches the video and Smiles, but even if she doesn't..... It made it an early birthday present for me just giving it to her, and her accepting the DVD. So anyway... Here are those pics I'm sure all of you will love to see. I'm even posting the book she signed to me wink emoticon P.S. They said sit anywhere and I was, one hour early. So I sat front row right in front of where she was speaking ..... So Awesome !!!!
I sure wish I were able to give Temple a Big Hug
frown emoticon You all know I'm Big on BIG HUGS (LOL)
Have a Beautiful Weekend Everyone.....I know I will
smile emoticon Big Hugs! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom Angela
Here is where I sat. (X) lol
Front Row..Best seat EVER!
Can't Wait to Read her book!>>>>>>
Something I'll Always Treasure. Loved that she signed my book !!
This is the video on the DVD I gave Temple
if you'd like to watch it yourself :)
Just Click-On the Picture "Walk in a Mother's Shoes."
Wonderful & Insightful Movie!
Thank You for all you have done
already and what you continually do presently :)
BIG HUGS Temple!!
Friday, October 23, 2015
"But My Child Has Autism....How do I get him to Drink More Water?"
"But My Child Has Autism....How do I get him to Drink More Water?"
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom Shares Her Secret :)
Like many Moms living with autism; I have had a difficult time getting Dustin to drink water. Of course his main desire is Dr.Pepper or juice, but I really don't want my son to take in all of that sugar, so I decided to come up with a plan and it WORKED! If you feel the same concerns regarding Autism and drinking enough water then you don't want to miss this short , but insightful video :)
I Hope This Helps You Like It Has For Me :)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
(Click On the Pic to Watch the Video )
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
An AUTISM WELCOMED "Jump & Smile" Mommy & ME Time-Out!
As if the Train Stations weren't enough to make our day, now I'd like to acknowledge and Send a HUGE Thank You to Jenny the Owner of Rebounderz in Apopka and her Absolute Wonderful Staff!
I sure hope that after watching this video , it will encourage more of my families out there walking in my shoes to join Dustin & I for upcoming Time-Outs in person or online. There is NO REASON to "isolate" anymore!
I promise I will continue to seek out people and places that DARE to display the Autism Welcomed "Symbol". I know it's a lot to ask of them, but it is such a Heart-Warming way to say "without words" We've Got Your Backs Families Living With Autism.
So come join us next time , Look for the Autism Welcomed Decal, and KNOW.....You Are Not Alone and You Are Welcomed HERE :)
(Click On the Photo to Watch Video)
Saturday, August 8, 2015
An Autism Welcomed Birthday Train Adventure!
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Today is a Very Special Day! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's son, Dustin turns 19 years old today! It took a little bit of pondering , but S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom finally plans a day she hopes will be a birthday Dustin will always remember. So with the help of her Family and New Found Friends Angel, Micah, Dee, John, David, Cody, the Conductor and the entire Cannonball Train Crew, even the Train Passengers themselves .......Dustin's Autism Welcomed Birthday Train Adventure became a Dream Come True. I really hope more people and places watch this video and hop aboard the Autism Welcomed Decal Smile like The Cannonball Train and so many other Places already have.
Going out in to "Public Places" are so very difficult for families living with autism.
"How Wonderful it feels to "SEE" an Autism Welcomed "Symbol" when I enter a place that shows their Autism Smile before I even enter ."
An Autistic person shouldn't have a birthday memory created in the "isolation" of his/her own home.
Every person like my Dustin deserves to feel welcomed , especially on their Birthday at a place to create a magical moment like we were able to. So please share this video as well as the autism welcomed video with ANYONE who is willing to Display their Smile with the Decal at their place of business/ home. Autism isn't just about melt-downs, it's about melting the hearts of people who actually care about families living with autism every moment of every day .
Sharing the Autism Welcomed Smile is a big deal; while you may think it's really so small; you are really saying you care without words.....something an autistic person can so relate with ..
I hope you enjoy the video & BIG BIG HUGS!!!
Oh....FYI: You are going to absolutely LOVE Dustin's reaction after he opens his last birthday present ! It was very unexpected :)
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Today is a Very Special Day! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's son, Dustin turns 19 years old today! It took a little bit of pondering , but S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom finally plans a day she hopes will be a birthday Dustin will always remember. So with the help of her Family and New Found Friends Angel, Micah, Dee, John, David, Cody, the Conductor and the entire Cannonball Train Crew, even the Train Passengers themselves .......Dustin's Autism Welcomed Birthday Train Adventure became a Dream Come True. I really hope more people and places watch this video and hop aboard the Autism Welcomed Decal Smile like The Cannonball Train and so many other Places already have.
Going out in to "Public Places" are so very difficult for families living with autism.
"How Wonderful it feels to "SEE" an Autism Welcomed "Symbol" when I enter a place that shows their Autism Smile before I even enter ."
An Autistic person shouldn't have a birthday memory created in the "isolation" of his/her own home.
Every person like my Dustin deserves to feel welcomed , especially on their Birthday at a place to create a magical moment like we were able to. So please share this video as well as the autism welcomed video with ANYONE who is willing to Display their Smile with the Decal at their place of business/ home. Autism isn't just about melt-downs, it's about melting the hearts of people who actually care about families living with autism every moment of every day .
Sharing the Autism Welcomed Smile is a big deal; while you may think it's really so small; you are really saying you care without words.....something an autistic person can so relate with ..
I hope you enjoy the video & BIG BIG HUGS!!!
Oh....FYI: You are going to absolutely LOVE Dustin's reaction after he opens his last birthday present ! It was very unexpected :)
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Monday, August 3, 2015
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom & Friends Share Autism Welcomed Video @ Animal Kingdom 2015'
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Getting ready to celebrate Autism Welcomed's "3rd" Anniversary!
What a better way and place to share the Autism Welcomed Decal than at Disney's Animal Kingdom. With an autism rate of 1 in 68 now.....S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom is determined to Find those Special Places and People who will be brave enough to Display their Smile in a photo with the Autism Welcomed Decal Smile. She really believes that by getting as many Decals as she can out there; that more families living with autism will become more outgoing and even better ; those families will "SEE" the Autism Welcomed Decal "Symbol" at more entrance ways of places so they can FINALLY feel Welcomed before they enter.
Autism is so very difficult to live with every day. To help them in such a very simple way may seem small......but for us, to see that symbol of welcome, well, it's more than comforting to know that someone really understands and that this place/person has the backs of autism families !
So, will you be the next photo on the Autism Welcomed site?
I'll be waiting for YOUR Smile :) BIG HUGS!!!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Friday, July 31, 2015
An Autism Mini- Moment (# 2) : S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom shares a "Cool" Chucke Cheese Memory
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
This Mini-Moment was something I'm so glad I caught on video!
If visiting with our grand daughter, Autumn wasn't a treat enough;
Dustin does something so out of character .....Well, needless to say,
this day was extremely heart-warming. Years ago, I would have never
thought I would see Dustin do this ! So Moms.... Never under-estimate
your child with autism's future. Hope you enjoy this Mini-Moment #2 ;)
Until Next Time! Big Big Hugs!
(Click On the Photo to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
This Mini-Moment was something I'm so glad I caught on video!
If visiting with our grand daughter, Autumn wasn't a treat enough;
Dustin does something so out of character .....Well, needless to say,
this day was extremely heart-warming. Years ago, I would have never
thought I would see Dustin do this ! So Moms.... Never under-estimate
your child with autism's future. Hope you enjoy this Mini-Moment #2 ;)
Until Next Time! Big Big Hugs!
(Click On the Photo to Watch the Video)
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's 2015' "Autism Lights in July"VIDEO Mommy Time-Out
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Welcomed Back S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
What a Video! I found a way to get Dustin to actually look forward to what we are calling this years's "Disney Lights".
It seemed to be less upsetting for him then by calling them "Fireworks." If you're a Mom living with autism , I'm sure you can relate. I can remember missing so many Fourth of July Fireworks Displays because of autism melt-downs with our Dustin. Fireworks are so beautiful to watch, but unfortunately they come with that terrible big boom. So on that note...Once again I am bringing the 4th of July Display to My Moms out there who are going through this; as well as for our son, Dustin.
I hope you enjoy the Display my husband created for our son who has become braver each year. It's so gratifying to recall past years when I had to sit in Dustin's room through the entire fireworks, while he shook, cried, and repeated "Fireworks over." Whereas today, I am able to take him outside and have him sit in my truck and watch ........Well You'll See :)
I hope you enjoy the "Autism Lights in July" Fireworks Display & I hope I inspire you as well!
You're Not Alone. Big Big Hugs!
See You Next Year!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Welcomed Back S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
What a Video! I found a way to get Dustin to actually look forward to what we are calling this years's "Disney Lights".
It seemed to be less upsetting for him then by calling them "Fireworks." If you're a Mom living with autism , I'm sure you can relate. I can remember missing so many Fourth of July Fireworks Displays because of autism melt-downs with our Dustin. Fireworks are so beautiful to watch, but unfortunately they come with that terrible big boom. So on that note...Once again I am bringing the 4th of July Display to My Moms out there who are going through this; as well as for our son, Dustin.
I hope you enjoy the Display my husband created for our son who has become braver each year. It's so gratifying to recall past years when I had to sit in Dustin's room through the entire fireworks, while he shook, cried, and repeated "Fireworks over." Whereas today, I am able to take him outside and have him sit in my truck and watch ........Well You'll See :)
I hope you enjoy the "Autism Lights in July" Fireworks Display & I hope I inspire you as well!
You're Not Alone. Big Big Hugs!
See You Next Year!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Monday, July 20, 2015
An "Autism Welcomed" : SKATE & SMILE! A S.M.A.A.R.T.Mommy & ME Time-Out
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Autism Welcomed SKATE & SMILE!
Another Successful "Autism Welcomed" Mommy & ME Time-Out!
A special Thank You to John and his Wonderful staff at The Skating Palace Family Fun Center :) I know I'm asking a lot when it comes to displaying the Autism Welcomed Decal and even more asking you to Welcome in to your business a disability , such as Autism. Each one of you at the Skating Palace have shown the greatest example. The most simplest of acts can be the most Powerful ones.....So with all of our hearts .....Thank You for Displaying the "Autism Welcomed Symbol" and for being so very understanding and compassionate :)
I also want to Thank everyone that joined Dustin and I for Skate & Smile! I do plan on having another please watch for the upcoming places that display the "Autism Welcomed Decal." I'd LOVE to meet you and your special someone :)
I also want to send a "Shout Out" to anyone or any places out there local to me; that would like to follow the example of The Skating Palace Family Fun Center....... September 07, 2015' will mark the "3rd Anniversary" of Autism Welcomed. I'm still looking for a place that will be just as inviting as the ones I've already found. Would you like to be a part of this celebration?
Are you a business with compassion and understanding ? Do you know a place that would love to display the Autism Welcomed Symbol? Please reach out to me...What are YOU Waiting for? !
Watch the Autism Welcomed Update video and email me TODAY if you'd like to be a friend of S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom :) Until Next Time! Big Hugs!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Autism Welcomed SKATE & SMILE!
Another Successful "Autism Welcomed" Mommy & ME Time-Out!
A special Thank You to John and his Wonderful staff at The Skating Palace Family Fun Center :) I know I'm asking a lot when it comes to displaying the Autism Welcomed Decal and even more asking you to Welcome in to your business a disability , such as Autism. Each one of you at the Skating Palace have shown the greatest example. The most simplest of acts can be the most Powerful ones.....So with all of our hearts .....Thank You for Displaying the "Autism Welcomed Symbol" and for being so very understanding and compassionate :)
I also want to Thank everyone that joined Dustin and I for Skate & Smile! I do plan on having another please watch for the upcoming places that display the "Autism Welcomed Decal." I'd LOVE to meet you and your special someone :)
I also want to send a "Shout Out" to anyone or any places out there local to me; that would like to follow the example of The Skating Palace Family Fun Center....... September 07, 2015' will mark the "3rd Anniversary" of Autism Welcomed. I'm still looking for a place that will be just as inviting as the ones I've already found. Would you like to be a part of this celebration?
Are you a business with compassion and understanding ? Do you know a place that would love to display the Autism Welcomed Symbol? Please reach out to me...What are YOU Waiting for? !
Watch the Autism Welcomed Update video and email me TODAY if you'd like to be a friend of S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom :) Until Next Time! Big Hugs!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Sunday, June 14, 2015
An "Autism Welcomed" Home Depot Mommy & "ME" Time-Out 2015'
Brought to you by, S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Autism Welcomed created by S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom to help other families like hers feel Welcomed when going in to public places with their loved one who has Autism. Finding places and people who want to help these families is something S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom is always looking for, so please visit : .
WATCH the video and get your Decal today! Help those families feel welcomed on an every day basis. Share your decal picture and share with others that YOU have the backs of families living with autism.
A Simple Autism Welcomed Smile "Symbol" can do more than you will ever know :) BIG HUGS!!!
(Click On the Puzzle Piece to Watch the Video)
Monday, June 1, 2015
A.S.G.O.'s "10th" Autism Walk! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom & Dustin Attending :)
Wish I could say I had a nice time at the walk today, but unfortunately just before we left this morning, Dustin fell running out the door and after , complained about his back. But still wanted to go to the Autism Walk . He's always so excited to see Ronald McDonald & of course get his picture with him . So We Came. We Saw. We Conquered. But our stay consisted of only walking one lap. I had to bring my Boo Bear home, only instead took him to the ER. No worries. He's relaxing with the help of the doctor.

Wish I could say I had a nice time at the walk today, but unfortunately just before we left this morning, Dustin fell running out the door and after , complained about his back. But still wanted to go to the Autism Walk . He's always so excited to see Ronald McDonald & of course get his picture with him . So We Came. We Saw. We Conquered. But our stay consisted of only walking one lap. I had to bring my Boo Bear home, only instead took him to the ER. No worries. He's relaxing with the help of the doctor.

Took him to McDonalds to eat before taking him to the hospital to see why his back was hurting. He's still complaining, so better safe , than sorry . Amazing how a french fry can bring such a sweet smile to his face smile emoticon So sick of this place.UGH!
Just another example of the things we endure for our special guys/girls (LOL)
This was from yesterday when we were waiting for the doctor to see Dustin at the hospital after the Autism Walk . (No , he didn't get hurt at the walk) But shortly after , Dustin was treated for pulling a muscle in his back. He's doing fine, but better to be safe than sorry smile emoticon So hard to get him to "Slow" down smile emoticon Especially when he's so excited to see Ronald McDonald smile emoticon
Sunday, May 10, 2015
"Walk in a Mother's Shoes Living with Autism Video " A S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom 2015' Mother's Day Video Special!
(Strong Mother's Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Whether you are a S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom, Dad, or a Family Member who has become one of those roles to a special person with autism.....I wanted to create a Memorable Mother's Day Video that will hopefully bring you the comfort of knowing you're not alone.
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom is here if you need a friend :)
Happy Mother's Day & BIG, BIG, HUGS To Each of YOU!
(Interactive Photo/Button Below)
Thursday, May 7, 2015
"Autism Family Fun Day Video ! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's (April) 2015' : Autism Welcomed was Invited !
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
What a pleasant surprise for Autism Welcomed! An invite to participate in its "1st" actual autism event! How exciting! So of course you know I had to create a video (LOL) I hope everyone enjoys it.....I do put my heart in to each video.
Thanks for coming back to watch my "90th Video!"
I want to send a HUGE HUG & Sincerest Thanks to "The Central Florida Dreamplex" and Kandi Alexander , my dearest friend/fellow sister of "We Speak for Them Autism Support Group" who are both in Lake County Florida. It's so nice to finally have some wonderful autism support in our area. In the video you'll get to see all of the logos of places that were in attendance, there were so many to recognize by name and I really wanted to show all of you each place that was involved. I hope I honored them well by showing the banner a couple of times in the video, so watch for it:)
In Closing, it was so AMAZING to share this with all of the people that came out. Whether it was to participate or to just have an Autism Family Fun Day! We Can't wait for next year! Until Then!
BIG BIG HUGS! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom & Dustin :)
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Autism Sea of Dreams Video! S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom's (APRIL) 2015' Online Mommy & Me Time-Out Video Moments.
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has been a member of A.S.G.O for almost 19 years and over those years she and her (autistic) son have dared to Venture in to places where many families living with autism don't attempt to go. She has always been a Mom who strongly believes that in order to help her son, she would have to be brave and very patient and make the effort , whether the day has its ups or downs. It's no surprise that she discovered Donna of A.S.G.O. another outspoken and Strong Mother who also has a son with autism. With her help , along with a number of places that have helped with Welcoming Autism and its Awareness, S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has encountered many, many moms just like her and have been able to develop a feeling of "Connection & Unity" among Moms and Families living with Autism who can now gather together for a day of not just Fun , but the feeling of not being Alone :)
Thank You Donna, Drew, A.S.G.O. and Every Family in this Video...I had to include You in this video; After all, Each and Every one of YOU are a "STAR" in my eyes and heart :)
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has been a member of A.S.G.O for almost 19 years and over those years she and her (autistic) son have dared to Venture in to places where many families living with autism don't attempt to go. She has always been a Mom who strongly believes that in order to help her son, she would have to be brave and very patient and make the effort , whether the day has its ups or downs. It's no surprise that she discovered Donna of A.S.G.O. another outspoken and Strong Mother who also has a son with autism. With her help , along with a number of places that have helped with Welcoming Autism and its Awareness, S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has encountered many, many moms just like her and have been able to develop a feeling of "Connection & Unity" among Moms and Families living with Autism who can now gather together for a day of not just Fun , but the feeling of not being Alone :)
Thank You Donna, Drew, A.S.G.O. and Every Family in this Video...I had to include You in this video; After all, Each and Every one of YOU are a "STAR" in my eyes and heart :)
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Autism Welcomed 2015' Video Update Created by S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom
S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom created the Autism Welcomed Decal Sept. 8, 2013. It's been almost 2 year and she really wanted to present you with an update video and another "Video Call" out to Everyone Everywhere to visit and share YOUR picture of your Smile displaying the Autism Welcomed Decal. Autism for families like S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms don't ever get a day off. Autism is every minute , every day and now with YOUR Help, compassion, and understanding....Autism Acceptance can be displayed to help families with autism venture out in to public places and always feel Welcomed :)
Please take a few mins to watch this , it is a short video :)
Have YOU Welcomed Autism Today? I'm waiting for YOUR Photo!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video Update)
Please take a few mins to watch this , it is a short video :)
Have YOU Welcomed Autism Today? I'm waiting for YOUR Photo!
(Click On the Picture to Watch the Video Update)
Gathering @ Trimble Park Video : S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's (March) 2015' Mommy & ME Time-Out
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Sorry for the delay, but better late than never :) So much going on with April being Autism Awareness month and gearing up for it and of course my videos take time to create considering I put all of my heart and soul in to each one just for YOU! I hope you'll join me for one of my Mommy & Time-Outs this year.....It's Always so nice to meet other Moms like myself that are walking every day in those shoes of Autism :) I hope you enjoy this video .....
Big Big Hugs S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
"S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms Don't Just Roar.....
(Click On Picture to Watch the Video)
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Sorry for the delay, but better late than never :) So much going on with April being Autism Awareness month and gearing up for it and of course my videos take time to create considering I put all of my heart and soul in to each one just for YOU! I hope you'll join me for one of my Mommy & Time-Outs this year.....It's Always so nice to meet other Moms like myself that are walking every day in those shoes of Autism :) I hope you enjoy this video .....
Big Big Hugs S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
"S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms Don't Just Roar.....
(Click On Picture to Watch the Video)
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Kids Home Depot Workshop Video (Lees): S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom and Son (18yrs) Going. Come Join Us!
Hello S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Once again I called a head and informed Home Depot (Leesburg) of Dustin's age and that he had autism. The age range for the kids shop is 5-12. Of course Dustin is 18 now, but still has the mind of 5 or 6yr old. Just like the Home Depot in Deland ,the lady there was just as sweet & understanding . She immediately said that it was not a problem. She also thought it was great that I was wanting to bring him to the workshop:) He may not be in school any longer, but that doesn't mean I will stop trying to teach him something new and to continue working on his social skills. (FYI) The Kids Workshops are FREE , but you do have to register (online/ in person). Maybe this Home Depot isn't near you, if that's the case I still want to encourage you to contact a store near you. Check it out online or the next time you might be in a local Home Depot near you. Check out their Kids Workshops to see their calendar dates and bring your special son/daughter :) Dustin Absolutely enjoys going and even more the Achievement Certificate & Pin he earns afterwards! It really makes him feel good, but don't take my word for it..... "Seeing Is Believing!" Until Next Time S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms! BIG HUGS :)
P.S. If you are Maggie or Karen from today's workshop?
I just want to say Thank You, Thank You, & BIG ,BIG, HUGS!
We couldn't have felt more welcomed & we truly appreciate that:)
S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom Angela
"S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms Don't Just Roar.
(Click On the Picture )
Monday, March 2, 2015
Gathering @ Break Point Alley Video : S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's (FEB.) 2015' Mommy & ME Time-Out
(Strong Mother's Altering Autism's Reality Together)
Welcome Back S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms for this another very special Mommy & ME Time-Out Gathering. What a Wonderful Turn Out! I an't believe how many S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms joined me for some Bowling Fun at Break Point Alley. Thank You so much for coming Moms & I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did . Until Next Month!
"United & Strong!
We Are S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!
Hear Us Roar, Flap, AND Jump!"
(Click Below to Watch Video)

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