I just had to share this really cool field trip Dustin and I had the opportunity to go on before Thanksgiving vacation. I had to give Dustin a chance to experience this place. He's always talking about snow when the holidays stroll around and well, I thought what a better place to take him than a place that will not only beam with the Christmas Season being upon us, but maybe he would finally be able to give Santa his Letter ;) Anyway, it called "ICE" at The Gaylord Palm and what a very cold experience....a "9 DEGREE" experience at that. I don't think Dustin realized that all of the Colorful Sculptures were completely carved out ice. It was truly amazing all the detail and time it must have taken the artist. By the time we got to the last room was when I think Dustin came to light that everything was ice. The only reason is because the last room was a Giant ICE Slide! OMG! It was the coolest thing we had ever seen! Dustin loves slides! It was so funny because as cold as he was and before entering this room he was saying "Cooooold Mommy, Time to see Santa?" However, in spite of this....he went down that very cold slide not Once, but Twice (LOL). We followed up our Ice Tour to an unexpected Birthday Party for a fellow High Schooler where all of the kids got to dance, eat pizza, and meet some famous characters :) But of course as nice as it was of that family to invite us to her party, Dustin only had Santa on his mind. So when the time came for us to wrap up our field trip group and use the restrooms before the long ride home I whispered to a school staff person that I was going to discretely take Dustin down to give Santa Dustin's Letter. So off we went. I wish I were able to video tape this moment. We approached the area where Santa was and we were the FIRST and ONLY ones there! Dustin was glowing with such a Smile! He was so Proud, Happy, and Thrilled to be able to FINALLY Give his letter to Santa "IN PERSON." I couldn't believe how much he was interacting and trying to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas! It was so adorable and so touching. Santa was wonderful too! He was so great with Dustin, talking to him, reading his letter, and even gave Dustin a Mini Santa Photo, Candy Cane , and a Lucky Christmas Token. You can't imagine how much all of this meant to my Boo Bear; But maybe you can.......I have three really nice pictures of Santa and Dustin, but I'm only sharing one for now. Come back and see me in December to see the other two Santa Claus Pics. In the mean time.....Hope you enjoy the moments I couldn't wait to share with you all! Oh, and IF there is anyone that would like more information about "ICE" @ The Gaylord Palm. Here is a link for you to check out ;)
Remember it may be extremely cold there, but it made some of our warmest memories ;) BIG HUGS & Happy Thanksgiving!
Take Care! S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom Angela
A Tired ,But Excited Dustin ;)

DreamWorks' Merry Madagascar
"It's toooo Coooold Mom."(Good thing "ICE" provided everyone with these flashy blue coats to help keep us warm.)
Are we there yet?
Everything is Ice!
Mom & Dustin with an "All Ice Christmas Tree"
Yes it's "9 Degrees", But Dustin can't Slide just Once ;)
This is an "ICE SLIDE!" Dustin has to slide Twice ;)

Done Sliding....Time to get Bugs Bunny & Daffy out of his pocket ;)
"Mom, It's too cold at the North Pole."
"Mom! Lion !"
"Time to go?"
Santa Letter? Mom, Santa Letter???
Mom's Boo Bear & FriendsThis is the letter Dustin gave Santa. Below you can see Santa holding it and Dustin asking him for The Road Runner and Elmer Fudd too;)
What Santa gave Dustin. He Loves his Lucky Token!
Happy Holidays!
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