Altering Autism Behavior "HaircutsVideo (Make sure you watch all ( 4 ) Videos ( Parts 1-4 )
Click On Pic Below / Intro Video/ Part One:
Click On Pic Below / Before Video/Part Two:
Click On Pic Below / Intro After Video /Part Three:

Click on Pic Below / Final Video/Part Four:
Autism? Are you a S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom? "Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together"
My son is fourteen years old and of course becoming a young man. I knew this day would come however,
I don't think I was expecting to find a huge lack of resource when it comes to the behaviors that come with autism.
That resource would be other mothers with children,teens, or even adults that have autism. So, I decided to create a different kind of Support Group for those moms out there who feel how I do. S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom is held at random coffee shops once a month. And no I don't charge ANY cost. I don't believe one should pay for a most needed support. On my "A Way Through Autism" journal/site I have posted (also to the right) where the "Mommy Time-Out" gathering will be each month. If you add yourself as a follower of S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom you will automatically get updates of new entries/videos, autism activities I attend, and of course when the next Mommy Time-Out is. Again my goal is to finally seek out those moms walking in my shoes. Mommy Time-Outs are held during a time when our kids are in school so no need for looking for a babysitter. Just bring some change for a coffee and donut and of course yourself. This a chance to express your helpful ideas/ issues you may being having with your autistic loved one. If you're not the type of person who is used to thinking outside the box; you will be after joining us:) Oh, yes I forgot to mention. If you attend ( 3 ) Mommy Time-Outs I'll give you FREE ( 1 ) S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom t-shirt that I designed. Consider this a gift from me to you reminding you that you are a part of something special and that you're never alone. Please note ( 1 ) shirt per mom. Just to note quickly, November's Mommy Time-Out is on a day for local counties to Lake that will be held on a day your kids are IN school. I'm so sorry I didn't realize the date was not for all moms. To the moms that wanted to be here; please try and see me in November. If I'm not local to you; it doesn't mean I'm not there for you. So for those S.M.A.A.R.T. Moms I'm creating monthly video of before and after examples of ways you CAN Alter autism behaviors. I hope they will be helpful to you if not inspirational at the least. Stay Strong . You're Not Alone. I'm always here for you.
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