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Saturday, August 8, 2015

An Autism Welcomed Birthday Train Adventure!

(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)

Today is a Very Special Day!  S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's son, Dustin turns 19 years old today! It took a little bit of pondering , but  S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom finally plans a day she hopes will be a birthday Dustin will always remember. So with the help of her Family and  New Found Friends Angel, Micah, Dee, John, David, Cody, the Conductor and the entire Cannonball  Train Crew, even the Train Passengers themselves .......Dustin's Autism Welcomed Birthday Train  Adventure became a  Dream Come True. I really hope more people and places watch this video and hop aboard  the Autism Welcomed Decal Smile like The Cannonball Train and so many other  Places already have.    

Going out in to "Public Places" are so very difficult for families living with autism.
"How Wonderful it feels to "SEE" an Autism Welcomed "Symbol" when I enter a place that shows their Autism Smile  before I even enter ." 
An Autistic person shouldn't have a birthday memory  created in the "isolation" of his/her own home.
Every person like my Dustin deserves to feel welcomed , especially on their Birthday at a place to create a magical moment like we were able to. So please share this video as well as the autism welcomed video with ANYONE who is willing to Display their Smile with the Decal at their place of business/ home. Autism isn't just about melt-downs, it's about melting the hearts of  people who actually care about families living with autism every moment of every day .
Sharing the Autism Welcomed Smile  is a big deal; while you may think it's really so small; you are really saying you care without words.....something an autistic person can so relate with ..   
I hope you enjoy the video & BIG BIG HUGS!!!

Oh....FYI: You are going to absolutely  LOVE  Dustin's reaction after he opens his last birthday present ! It was very unexpected :) 

                                 (Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)

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