S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's Slogan!

S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms DON'T Just Roar....

Join Me @ The Autism Support Network

Join Me at The Autism Support Network!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Autism Sea of Dreams Video! S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom's (APRIL) 2015' Online Mommy & Me Time-Out Video Moments.

(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)

S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has been a member of A.S.G.O for almost 19 years and over those years she and her (autistic) son have dared to Venture in to places where many families living with autism don't attempt to go. She has always been a Mom who strongly believes that in order to help her son, she would have to be brave and very patient and make the effort , whether the day has its ups or downs. It's no surprise that she discovered Donna of A.S.G.O. another outspoken and Strong Mother who also has a son with autism. With her help , along with a number of places that have helped with Welcoming Autism and its Awareness, S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom has encountered many, many moms just like her and have been able to develop a feeling of "Connection & Unity" among Moms and Families living with Autism  who can now gather together for a day of not just Fun , but the feeling of not being Alone :)

Thank You Donna, Drew,   A.S.G.O. and  Every Family in this Video...I had to include You in this video; After all, Each and Every one of YOU are a "STAR" in my eyes and heart :)

                          (Click On the Picture to Watch the Video)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Autism Welcomed 2015' Video Update Created by S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom

S.M.A.A.R.T. Mom created the Autism Welcomed Decal Sept. 8, 2013. It's been almost 2 year and she really wanted to present you with an update video and another "Video Call" out to Everyone Everywhere to visit www.autismwelcomed.com and share YOUR picture of your Smile displaying the Autism Welcomed Decal. Autism for families like S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms don't ever get a day off. Autism is every minute , every day and now with YOUR Help, compassion, and understanding....Autism Acceptance can be displayed to help families with autism venture out in to public places and always feel Welcomed :)

Please take a few mins to watch this , it is a short video :)

Have YOU Welcomed Autism Today? I'm waiting for YOUR Photo!

                           (Click On the Picture to Watch the Video Update)

Gathering @ Trimble Park Video : S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom's (March) 2015' Mommy & ME Time-Out

(Strong Mothers Altering Autism's Reality Together)

Sorry for the delay, but better late than never :) So much going on with April being Autism Awareness month and gearing up for it and  of course my videos take time to create considering I put all of my heart and soul in to each one just for YOU! I hope you'll join me for one of my Mommy & Time-Outs this year.....It's Always so nice to meet other Moms like myself that are walking every day in those shoes of Autism :) I hope you enjoy this video .....
Big Big Hugs S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms!

"S.M.A.A.R.T.Moms Don't Just Roar.....
            "We ROAR, FLAP, AND JUMP!"

                                (Click On Picture to Watch the Video)