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Friday, August 6, 2010

"Autism & a Unique Way to Teach Video" ;. Check out Think-It-Through Tiles. Brought to you by S.M.A.A.R.T.Mom

I would try to explain how this works, but showing you is so much better. Below is a link to this product if you would like to get this for someone you know who has a child/teen with Autism.


There are many books to choose from and a nice range of levels. Plus every booklet can be used with the Tiles. It can be challenging sometimes but focusing is easier because of the short time it takes to do one Tile Activity and it is Hands-On. I'm always trying to find original ways to teach Dustin. Staying on one learning task can be an issue, so when I first sat down with Boo Bear's Therapist and we did a Tile Activity; I just had to get one and tell others about this Wonderful Teaching Tool! Did I mention it's Portable:)
Just to note....I did Buy the Tiles and some of the books at Ebay and did save some money. However, Math books were no where to be found so I did buy them at the Discovery Toy site. Price was not as bad as I thought.

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