It's been a while since I've updated this journal.(Our son is now eleven yrs old.) Anyone who lives with an individual with autism I'm sure will agree life can be more than crazy at times. I'm glad to say that being consistant and giving our son more then enough love has been very rewarding.Team work in the marriage is a plus by the way. I think it's so sad when autism terminates marriages.Autism can be a major stress on a marriage; but if all of your love, faith, and acceptance of autism is truly there; Marriage will survive autism.(Remember autism isn't his or her fault. There is no cause for autism. And not accepting that a child has autism is not only hurting most marriages, but it is depriving that child from the two people he/she would expect to fight for HIM, not each other. ) If a marriage doesn't survive........Don't let it destroy your strength; instead let it help you become a stronger person........after all that child needs at least one of you.I've been fortunate enough to proudly say my husband and I have been an item since we were 12 yrs old. When meeting at a roller skating rink is now almost unheard of. My husband absolutely adores our son as well as our other son and daughter. He supports everything I research and do with our son because he has to work. He works very hard and I have an understanding of that; so if he can't be a part of a family outing I don't complain I sympathize. He can always go on the next family outing. Our little boy is much more verbal these days. In 2004 I heard that one word I had longed to hear and had lost when he was about 13mos. I couldn't help but to cry hysterically and still today just talking about it makes me teary eyed. The word was"MOMMY". I look back constantly reflecting on how far he has come over these few years. It's not only amzing ,but sooo wonderful! I do still get a bit of babbling of sounds now and then. But for the most part I can understand what my baby wants now. He will say " I want _______ and if that isn't clear for me to understand ,he will draw me a picture of what he wants. He is very good at drawing things. Although he tends to draw credits from movies as well as who directed, wrote, cast names, music by,etc. It is so incredible how much he remembers. Mind you he writes this stuff when the movie isn't even on. He also draws in play doe or pennies.........yes you heard me right. He finds the most odd of items to work with and create. I still havebehavior problems periodically, but I feel for once in my life more in control then ever before. This is a really good feeling let me tell you.Each day is now begun without dread and depression. Now each morning is focused on that wondeful smile of his and what kind of journey will I encounter with him today? What will he do to astound me this time? I guess taking one day at a time is the main thing I do these days. I still don't have thoughts of the future for our son however. I know in my heart he is doing better but I am still unsure of what to expect in the future. I guess if I let that bother me I would go insane.........so I don't. I've done EVERYTHING I can to help him without medications. I give him routine, but not too much routine. Life is never that routine after all. His Daddy and I tell and show him we love him every chance we get. And how awesome it is to have him hug and kiss us back:) I will never stop trying to make even more progress than I've made. But for now I just make sure especially that I never lose "Mommy" again. So each morning I start it out with.... "Good Morning! I love You Dustin!" and in return I will always hear: "Good Morning! I love you Mommy! It's time for Breakfast! French Fries?
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